San Antonio, TX
Periodontist & Dental Implants Specialist
Get to Know
Dr. Eduardo R. Lorenzana

Dr. Lorenzana’s experience in dentistry spans over 25 years so far, and he never tires of helping his patients improve their lives for the better. His focus on periodontal and dental implant procedures allows him to transform and revitalize smiles in long-lasting ways, helping those in need throughout the San Antonio community overcome serious disease, extensive tooth loss, and much more. If you’d like to learn more about him, just keep reading below.
Why Did You Want to Become a Periodontist?

In a way, Dr. Lorenzana was born into dentistry. His late paternal grandfather was a laboratory technician, and his late father, Dr. Rafael Lorenzana, was a prosthodontist who practiced in San Salvador, El Salvador. He also taught at Baylor College of Dentistry from 1982-1994 and had a private practice in Dallas from 1986-1994. Dr. Lorenzana worked there throughout his college and dental school years, seeing firsthand the positive effect that his father had on his patients day in and out. He rebuilt countless smiles, sometimes from scratch!
Once Dr. Lorenzana was in dental school, he became friends with a periodontics resident who introduced him to specialty services like esthetic crown lengthening and dental implants. At that point in time, implants were only just beginning to become mainstream. Periodontics instantly captivated him because of the detail-oriented, plastic surgery-type of care, where millimeters matter and esthetics were a top priority. One of his mentors, Dr. Edward P. Allen of Dallas, always pushed him and his colleagues to view periodontal surgery as artwork just as much as science, which is an attitude that Dr. Lorenzana still brings into his practice every single day. Whether he’s treating gummy smiles, covering exposed tooth roots, or replacing front teeth with dental implants, he views what he does as surgical artwork.
Where Did You Study Dentistry & Periodontics?

Dr. Lorenzana is a 1992 graduate of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, where he completed his Bachelor of Biology and also met his future wife! From there, he went on to Baylor College of Dentistry, completing his Doctor of Dental Surgery in 1996. He chose to remain at the school to pursue his Certificate in Periodontics and Master’s in Oral Biology, finishing the program in 1999. He became Board-Certified by the American Board of Periodontology in 2001 and has lectured nationally and internationally on dental implants, periodontal plastic surgery, periodontics, and esthetics. During his 20+ years of practice, he’s given over 170 lectures and has attended over 50 hours a year in continuing education.
Over time, Dr. Lorenzana has accumulated countless distinctions, accolades, and positions of leaderships in the world of dentistry. These include:
- Communications Officer (2014-2018), Study Clubs Coordinator (2018-2022), and current Section Chair (2022-2024) for the United States Section of the International Team for Implantology (ITI), the largest professional dental implant organization in the world.
- Past President of the Texas Society of Periodontists (2008-2010) and the Southwest Society of Periodontists (2016-2017).
- Founder and Director of the San Antonio ITI Study Club and the San Antonio Interdisciplinary Study Club.
- SPEAR Study Club Director (2010-2015).
- Voted a Texas Monthly Top Periodontist & Implant Surgeon by his colleagues every year since the inception of the award!
Outside of the Periodontal Office, What Do You Like to Do?

Dr. Lorenzana is truly blessed with his wife of 25 years, Stacy Sultemeier Lorenzana. They met their freshman year in college, graduated together in 1992, started dating in 1995, married in 1997, and now have two sons named Brandon and Zack. Stacy earned her CPA during a distinguished career at USAA, which lasted over 15 years. Then, she decided to transition to the family business and does our bookkeeping and filing to this day.
Outside of dentistry, Dr. Lorenzana’s life has revolved around the preparation for triathlons over the past few years. He worked up to doing his first IRONMAN in 2015 in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, as well as the Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon. Both were AMAZING experiences – he doesn’t know if he’ll ever top them! He’s also been playing guitar since he was a boy and usually finishes his day at the office with thirty minutes of six string therapy. His younger son Zach plays the drums, and it has been a true highlight in his life to be allowed to jam along with him.
Dr. Lorenzana’s other big hobby is photography, ever since his father give him his Minolta X700 SLR. His favorite subjects are landscapes and cityscapes when he gets to travel, but he loves capturing his boys most of all, especially when they’re playing soccer – and taking pictures keeps him out of trouble with the referees during games, which is a bonus. In 2020-2021, both boys played on the same team for their high school as starters on defense, which was beyond exciting!
Dr. Eduardo R. Lorenzana Publications
Late Presentation of Peri-implant Mucositis Requiring Soft-Tissue Augmentation and Esthetic Crown Lengthening at
Implant Site 11: A Case Report
-Lorenzana ER and Gillespie JR (2022)
ITI Treatment Guide Vol. 13: Prevention and Management of Peri-Implant Diseases (pp.100-106). Chicago, IL: Quintessence Publishing.
Connective-Tissue Graft to Augment the Buccal Tissue for a Bone-Level Implant at an Upper Incisor Site
-Lorenzana ER and Riewe K (2020)
In Barter S, Donos N, Wismejier D (Eds). ITI Treatment Guide Vol. 12: Peri-Implant Soft-Tissue Integration and
Management (pp. 157-165). Chicago, IL: Quintessence Publishing.
Read Here
Early Implant Placement, Contour Augmentation, and Autologous Connective-Tissue Graft Using a Tunneling
Technique to Replace an Upper Incisor with Generalized Gingival Recession
-Lorenzana ER and Gillespie JR (2020)
In Barter S, Donos N, Wismejier D (Eds). ITI Treatment Guide Vol. 12: Peri-Implant Soft-Tissue Integration and
Management (pp. 147-156). Chicago, IL: Quintessence Publishing.
Read Here
Group 4 Consensus Report: Risks and Biologic Complications Associated with Implant Dentistry
-Heitz-Mayfield L, Aaboe M, Araujo M, Carrion JB, Cavalcanti R, Cionca N, Cochran D, Darby I, Funakoshi E,
Gierthmuehlen P, Hashim D, Jahangiri L, Kwon Y, Lambert F, Layton D, Lorenzana E, et al.
Clin Oral Imp Res 2018;29 (Suppl. 16):351-358
Read Here
Replacement of a Missing Upper Left Central Incisor: Late Placement of an RC Bone Level Implant, CAD/CAM
Zirconia Abutment
-Lorenzana ER and Gillespie JR (2017)
In Martin W, Chappuis V (Eds). ITI Treatment Guide Vol. 10: Implant Therapy in the Esthetic Zone: Current
Treatment Modalities and Materials for Single-Tooth Replacements (pp. 318-329). Chicago, IL: Quintessence
Read Here
Replacement of an Upper Left Central Incisor: Immediate Placement of an RC Bone Level Implant and Provisionalization In Martin W, Chappuis V (Eds). - Lorenzana ER, Gillespie JR
ITI Treatment Guide Vol. 10: Implant Therapy in the Esthetic Zone: Current Treatment Modalities and Materials for Single-Tooth Replacements (pp. 170-180). Chicago, IL: Quintessence Publishing.
Forum Implantologicum Keynote Presentation Tips Series
-Lorenzana ER and Gillespie JR (2017)
A) “Synergy of Software, Hardware, and Your Vision: A Beginner’s Guide to Building Outstanding
Presentations in Apple Keynote.” (2011)
B) “Presentation Enhancements to Crystallize Your Vision” (2011)
C) “A Beginner’s Guide to Building Outstanding Presentations in Apple Keynote, Part III: Taking
Control with the Presenter Display” (2012)
D) “Expecting the Unexpected: Creating Backups of Your Presentations in Multiple Formats”
E) “Save Time and Ensure Stylistic Consistency by Mastering Master Slides” (2013)
F) “Keynote 6.0: Redemption (and Finally, a Great Update) Delivered. Part 1: Touring the New
G) “Keynote 6.x Tour, Part 2: Apple Opens the Vault with More Updates” (2015)
H) “Vector Illustrations in Keynote: Creativity in Patient Education” (2015)
I) “Alignment Guides: No, We Are Not Talking Ortho!” (2016)
J) “Apple Raises the Bar: The Touch Bar comes to the MacBook Pro” (2016)
K) “Presentations on the Big Screen: Basic Cinematography and the 3:1 Layout” (2017)
L) Masters’ Slides: A New Series Featuring Apple Keynote Enthusiasts from Around the World. Feature #1:
Dr. med. Michael Huber M.D. (2018)
M) Apple’s Keynote Software on its 15th Birthday: Our Baby is All Grown Up! (2018)
N) Masters’ Slides #2: Dr. Will Martin (2019) Forum Implantologicum 2011-Present.
Focus on the Clinic: A Novel Titanium-Zirconium Alloy for Reduced Diameter Implants. Review of Clinical Concept
and Case Report
-Lorenzana ER and Gillespie JR, Forum Implantologicum 2010: Vol. 6, No.1:98-103.
Perio and the Post-Menopausal Patient
-Lorenzana ER. Modern Hygienist 2009; Oct:10-13
Altered Passive Eruption in Conjunction with Implant Placement in the Esthetic Zone
-Lorenzana ER, Gillespie JR, Martin WC, Riewe K. Implant Realities 2009: Vol. 1:18-21
Soft Tissue Risk Assessment in Esthetic Restorative and Implant Dentistry: Smile Analysis, Gingival Esthetics,
and Dental Implant Report
-Lorenzana ER. Functional Esthetics and Restorative Dentistry, 2008; Series 2, No.3:2-12.
Esthetic Management of Multiple Recession Defects in a Patient With Cicatricial Pemphigoid
-Lorenzana ER, Rees TD, Hallmon WW. Journal of Periodontology, 2001;72:230-237.
The Single Incision Palatal Harvest Technique: A Strategy for Esthetics and Patient Comfort”
-Lorenzana ER, Allen EP. International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry 2000;20:297-305.
Chronic Ulcerative Stomatitis: A Case Report
-Lorenzana ER, Rees TD, Glass M, Detweiler J. Journal of Periodontology 2000;71:104-111.
"Subpontic Osseous Hyperplasia: A Case Report"
-Lorenzana ER, Hallmon WW. Quintessence International, 2000; 31:57-61
"Women and Periodontal Disease: What You Should Know"
-Lorenzana ER. Women's Health Newsletter. Dec 14, 1999; Vol 2: No. 37
"Evaporacion Inicial de Mercurio en Amalgamas Fabricados con Aleaciones Comerciales con la Incorporacion de
Indio. (Initial Mercury Evaporation from Amalgams Made With In-containing Commercial Alloys)"
-Nakajima H, Lorenzana ER, Ferracane JL, Okabe T. Fola Oral. 1997;3:95-99.
"Initial Mercury Evaporation from Amalgams Made With In-containing Commercial Alloys"
-Nakajima H, Lorenzana ER, Ferracane JL, Okabe T. Dental Materials Journal 1996;15:168-174
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